Episode 3:
My name is Red Herring

"The character of Red Herring, a hybrid creature between a human and a celery, is introduced. And now he’s revolting against the origin that gave birth to him, so he is revolting against the Seer. He discovers that this mythology is simply a storytelling. By taking control of this storytelling, he is able to steer it in a different direction. So from his safe place, inside the mythos, he enters a battlefield and wrestles on a political level. He is individualizing himself and becoming dark-side influencer."

CLUB OF OPPORTUNITIES EP. 3: My name is Red Herring
(Exhibition creates an environments, where the narrative is gradually revealed through video, various objects, and ongoing live action)

Venue: Fotograf Galery, Prague
Date: March 20 - April 14, 2018
Curator: Jiří Ptáček

   His allusion to the temple narthex with minimalist furniture that reminds one of store shelves, but which also breathes a rhythm of colored lights, intensifies an atmosphere that approximates a business-spiritual transaction, in which devilish demand accommodates a supply of skills that allow us to live through at least a small portion of life without a feeling of humiliation. But what if this is all just a clown-show. The series is a series only thanks to the transplanting of plants which, of course, have the gift of being able to take root in any conditions. Myth is an optional game whose rules can be changed as the moment requires. Skills are just crutches for all the legless and armless who cannot submit an alternative to force-based solutions to “social issues.” Movement in ambivalent escapism and untrustworthiness is, however, grounds for asking who exactly is Red Herring?
   The character of Red Herring, a hybrid creature between a human and a celery, is introduced. And now he’s revolting against the origin that gave birth to him, so he is revolting against the Seer. So from his safe place, inside the mythos, he enters a battlefield and wrestles on a political level. He is individualizing himself and becoming dark-side influencer.
   → Complete text by Jiří Ptáček in PDF

Celerist: Patrik Petr, Live Performace: Jakub Jansa, Kamil Nábělek, Camera: Kryštof Melka, Kryštof Hlůže, Sound recording: Anna Žihlová, Graphic Design: Martin Groch
Photos: Tomáš Souček, Anna-Marie Bergrová, Kryštof Hlůže © 2018

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jakub jansa fotograf

jakub jansa fotograf